Say No to Toxic Ingredients In Your Skincare

This short video only touched the tip of the iceberg, and some of you may be hearing this for the first time.

Not only is the food we eat and the water we drink so important, but the products you choose to use on your body  should really be addressed.

Below is a list that goes into some of the top ingredients to say No to:
Dr. Cates Toxic Chemicals To Avoid

If you’re not the DIY type to put together your own everyday essential products, check out our line of pure, chemical free products HERE.

Live Clean Success

More Answers Will be Found Through Motion Than Will Ever Be Found Through Meditation

I had to laugh when I read this quote on someone’s newsletter…followed up with something like “just get off your a** and make some forward motion”.  That pretty much covers everything in life.

Learning something new is time consuming and your heart had better be in it because it’s going to take some work. Building an online business is fun and exciting but beware of the BSO syndrome (bright, shiny object).

I above all people would love to have a push button success – you know, easy street. I’ve worked hard all my life and luckily have a great work ethic. So much so that my friends haven’t seen me in a while…;)

We all know that anything worth having is worth putting your time and effort in to.  Mistakes, yes, there will be some. Expect them and move forward anyway. Take this website for example, not anywhere close to where I want it, but it’s a start and I’m going for it.

Meditation is awesome and helps start the day with peace and gratitude, but the success seen in the growth of any business (or any part of life) has to do with actual action taken on a daily basis. We can wish and visualize our dreams to happen, and answers may become more clear, yet it’s only with the motion taken towards these dreams that we see our successes.

There are so many “gurus” out there teaching, coaching and enticing us that it can get distracting for someone that likes to learn and see what is on the other side.  It’s part of the process. It’s easier to say Yes and commit to something once you’ve seen too many of the No’s…kind of like dating.

I have taken a couple courses I have found very beneficial and if you are in network marketing and haven’t gotten the results you want to date, you may want to check this out.  These guys are not the creepy Get Rich Quick types you may see out there and they really walk their talk and have done so for many years. It’s a very professional group. So, if you are serious about investing in your business and using these skills to get to the next level, this is a course I feel is worthwhile. They’ll teach you how to build your business online, without any of that old school prospecting, and get the right people to come to you. Enjoy.

Live Clean Success

The B**M** Portrait Challenge…I would never suggest for you to go and eat a Big Mac, or anything from McDonalds…this is Live Clean Success after all.

I wonder if organic or grass fed will ever infiltrate the fast food arena?

Oh yes…I believe Amy’s Drive Thru is the newbie that will be bringing us non GMO, organic and healthier alternatives to your fast food desires.

But, I did find this fun video and was inspired with what you can do with with a little creativity when needed. Everyone loves tips that work and with today’s technology, we use our phones more and more for taking the actual photo we will use on our final ads.

Check out this cool hack for portrait lighting. It’ll do in a pinch.

Live Clean Success